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Clinical Practice III




Clinical Practice III


External Academic Practicum (PAE)

Academic year






Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

SDG logo
  • 3. Good health and well-being
  • 4. Quality education
  • 5. Gender equality


The subject Clinical Practice III it is equivalent to 11 ECTS in which practical activities adjusted to the student's educational and curricular itinerary are developed that maintain a direct link with the subjects taught during the fifth year and the preceding clinical years.

These practices are developed in two ways:

General practices

They correspond to an intensive period of clinical stay of 6 consecutive weeks. If the student has applied for an international internship (ERASMUS programme), the duration of the internship is 8 weeks.


The student must achieve the defined learning outcomes and, at the same time, integrate into the care center's own dynamics.

As a general criterion, the knowledge and skills worked on are deployed in the general practices Exploration III related to general clinical practice and the fundamental aspects of the rest of the course's subjects.

Specific practices

They are carried out in all the subjects of the clinical cycle, during the teaching of the subject's classes and before starting the following subject.


The subject makes it possible to put into practice everything that has been worked on in the third, fourth and fifth year subjects, it becomes the space in which the student can check his level of competence as a learner, given that he is already able to feel how he progresses and acquires security in the exercise of the applied part of the degree in Medicine at the UVic-UCC.

The competence objectives are:

The competence objectives are:

Carry out a clinical history and physical examination adjusted to the reason for consultation and the area of care.
Learn to perform a comprehensive geriatric assessment.
Knowing how to perform a systematic neurological examination.
Interpret any complementary exploration related to the core subjects of the 3rd, 4th and 5th year of the degree.
Knowing how to make a differential diagnosis of the main reasons for consultation.
Make diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in a reasoned and coherent manner.
Have a sense of communication with patients, relatives and healthcare professionals.
Develop clinical and critical judgment.
Acquire professional values and ethical attitudes.

In this process, he has the support of various professionals, both from the Faculty itself and from the care centers where he does his practical stays.

Therefore, it is a process of verifying your vocation to be a doctor.

Learning outcomes

  • Acquire the necessary skills for the development of the tasks derived from the clinical stay.
  • Demonstrate skills in communicating bad news.
  • Write histories, reports, instructions, and other records in a way that patients, family members, and other professionals can understand.
  • Assumes different responsibilities in individual or collaborative work and evaluates the results obtained.
  • Recognizes the care environment and the internal and external relationships established within it.
  • Acquire and demonstrate advanced knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects and working methodology in the field of clinical practice.
  • Prepare a medical history and anamnesis correctly.
  • Carry out a complete and appropriate physical examination.
  • Prepares correct and consistent differential diagnoses.
  • It defines hypotheses that take into account several variables.
  • Determines the necessary diagnostic tests according to each case.
  • It correctly interprets results derived from the various tests carried out.
  • Show skills for the determination and argumentation of intervention proposals.
  • It moves with desymboltura in the general use of ICT and, in particular, in the technological environments specific to the professional field.


General skills

  • Develop professional practice with due respect for other health professionals and acquire teamwork skills.
  • In professional activity, bring to bear a critical, creative, constructively skeptical and research-oriented outlook.

Specific skills

  • Be able to make an initial diagnosis and establish a rational diagnostic strategy.
  • Carry out professional tasks with due respect for patient autonomy, beliefs and culture.
  • Indicate the most appropriate treatment for the most common acute and chronic conditions, and for the terminally ill.
  • Obtain and make medical records that contain all relevant information.
  • Perform a physical examination and a mental assessment.
  • Understand the basic components of the medical profession, including ethical principles, legal responsibilities and patient-centered professional practice.
  • Understand the principles of action, indications and efficacy of therapeutic interventions, based on the available scientific evidence.

Basic skills

  • Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.
  • Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that builds on general secondary education with the support of advanced textbooks and knowledge of the latest advances in this field of study.

Core skills

  • Become the protagonist of one's own learning process in order to achieve personal and professional growth and acquire all-round training for living and learning in a context of respect for linguistic, social, cultural, gender and economic diversity.
  • Display professional skills in complex multidisciplinary contexts, working in networked teams, whether face-to-face or online, through use of information and communication technology.
  • Exercise active citizenship and individual responsibility with a commitment to the values of democracy, sustainability and universal design, through practice based on learning, service and social inclusion.
  • Interact in international and worldwide contexts to identify needs and and new contexts for knowledge transfer to current and emerging fields of professional development, with the ability to adapt to and independently manage professional and research processes.
  • Project the values of entrepreneurship and innovation in one's academic and professional career, through contact with a variety of practical contexts and motivation for professional development.
  • Use oral, written and audiovisual forms of communication, in one's own language and in foreign languages, with a high standard of use, form and content.


  1. The clinical history. Elements and preparation
  2. Physical examination practice
  3. The differential diagnosis
  4. Determination of the diagnostic hypothesis
  5. Diagnostic tests
  6. Clinical intervention according to different cases and situations
  7. Effective communication
  8. Digital tools and ICT
  9. Organization and operation of the unit
  10. Interprofessional relationship


The assessment instruments of the subject Clinical practice III are the following:

  • Record of results of the evaluation tasks carried out.
  • Specific evaluation tests.
  • Delivery of works and projects.

These areas are measured using a combination of assessment instruments, including the miniCEX, portfolios and the Script Concordance Test (which assesses clinical reasoning in clinical situations of uncertainty). The weighting is:

  • Mini-CEX (15%)
  • Portfolio (35%)
  • Script Concordance Test (50%)


The clinical practices are deployed through stays in different care centers collaborating with the degree and linked to the territorial teaching units of Vic and Manresa.

During the stay, the students have as main references an academic tutor (teacher of the subject) and a teaching collaborator (doctor from the care center where the practices are carried out who ensures that the results of learning).



Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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