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Final Year Project




Final Year Project


Final Year Project (FP)

Academic year







  • Judit Bort Roig


As established by the current regulations, the End of Degree Project (TFG) is part of all undergraduate studies at all universities. Aspects related to the TFG are regulated in the UVic-UCC academic regulations for degree studies.

The TFG is the result of the training and experience acquired during the degree courses and must allow the student to demonstrate the level of acquisition of the skills of the degree and of the principles that will underpin their future professional work. The TFG is mandatory for obtaining the degree and has a single call for enrolment.

The goal of the TFG is to develop and present an evidence-based project focused on a discipline problem.

Learning outcomes

  • RA1. Follows in an orderly manner and develops the stages of the scientific method and shows critical thinking skills in the processes linked to the profession.
  • LO2. It conducts a comprehensive bibliographic search in which it uses internationally recognized sources of biomedical information and scientific documents that are characterized by a high level of evidence.
  • LO3. Prepare a report that includes all the elements that are considered fundamental in the scientific evidence in physiotherapy, with a high methodological rigor and an innovative and entrepreneurial approach.
  • LO4. Presents and defends, in front of a specialized audience, the report elaborated throughout the course and demonstrates their ability to develop their work/project in their own technological environments taking into account biopsychosocial aspects of the field of physiotherapy.
  • LO5. Uses gender-friendly language in both oral and written productions. (T8)


General skills

  • Demonstrate commitment to the profession and its values​​, seeking sustained improvements in practice and excellence in the care of individuals, families and the community.

Specific skills

  • Build and implement a physiotherapy intervention plan based on diagnosis, input from other professionals, available scientific evidence, and with the participation of the user/patient and their context, taking into account personal, relational and methodological aspects, and safety and efficiency.
  • Collect, analyze and critically interpret relevant information on the user/patient and their context, within a biopsychosocial approach, to evaluate and make a clinical assessment of functional impairment, activity or participation.
  • Communicate with patients/users, with significant others in their context or family, and with other professionals and managers. Use a register and channel of communication that is suited to their needs and characteristics, and the communicative context.
  • Critically assess and reflect on the physiotherapy intervention plan and make adjustments as necessary based on dialogue with users/patients and on their context.
  • Incorporate research and lifelong learning into professional practice through use of the best available evidence, formulating questions on the basis of one's own practice and informing and designing research projects.
  • Make physiotherapy diagnoses based on analysis and critical interpretation of the relevant information and assessment, using internationally recognized classifications of functionality, disability and health, and clinical reasoning as a basis for decision making.
  • Manage, organize and optimize physiotherapy work processes and care services in accordance with administrative and legal regulations and incorporating inclusive and participatory organizational models.
  • Participate as a physiotherapist in an interdisciplinary context, coordinating with other professionals and routinely participating in work teams in practice.

Basic skills

  • Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competencies typically demonstrated through drafting and defending arguments and solving problems in their field of study.
  • Students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of independent learning.
  • Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues.

Core skills

  • Develop strategies for promoting gender equality and equity for all.
  • Make use of professional skills in multidisciplinary, complex, networked environments, whether on-site or online.
  • Reflect critically on knowledge of all kinds, with a commitment to professional rigor and quality.


In the TFG, the main activity is to integrate the knowledge that the student has acquired during their degree studies.

The different ones modalities of the TFG are:

- Research project design

- TFG Innova (entrepreneurship)

- Systematized bibliographic review

- Participation in a research project


According to the Academic Regulations for UVic-UCC degree studies there is only a single official call which provides for an evaluation period.

The evaluation of the TFG is based on the following qualification elements:

  • Follow-up of the production process: 25% (responsible tutor)
  • written report: 45% (tutor + president, in the case of a difference greater than 2 points, the evaluation of both parties will have to be reconsidered and if this difference persists, a third evaluation by the secretary would be included /aria)
  • Oral presentation and defense: 30% (president + secretary + member)

The final mark of the TFG is the result of the weighting of the marks obtained in each of the parts. The subject is passed if a grade ≥5 is obtained in all parts. In the event that the TFG is rated at 9.0 or more, the court can propose that it be awarded the mention of honor registration.


Plagiarism or copying someone else's work is penalized at all universities and, according to the Rules of coexistence of the UVic-UCC, constitute serious or very serious offences. That is why in the course of this subject the plagiarism or misappropriation of other people's texts or ideas (see What is considered plagiarism?) and improper or undeclared use of artificial intelligence in an activity automatically results in a suspension or other disciplinary action.

To cite texts and materials appropriately, consult the academic citation guidelines and guidelines available on the UVic Library website.


The TFG consists of the preparation of an original and unpublished work that is reflected in a report and a public defense. It is carried out autonomously with the support and guidance of the tutor. However, theoretical-practical seminars are made available to the student that will help reinforce the skills already worked on in the degree.

The TFG project design and TFG Innova modalities are carried out individually, while the research participation and systematized bibliographic review modalities will be of a group nature (3 students).



  • Argimon Pallás, J. M., i Jiménez Villa, J. (2012). Métodos de investigación: Clínica y epidemiológica (4 ed.). Elsevier.
  • Benito, R. (2020). Guia per elaborar citacions bibliogràfiques en format APA 7a edició: Basada en el Publication manual of the American Psycological Association. Retrieved from
  • Lumbreras, B., Ronda, E., Ruiz-Cantero, M. T. (2018). Cómo elaborar un proyecto en ciencias de la salud. Retrieved from
  • Molina, J, & Amézcula, A. (2021). Mi diario del TFG en enfermería. Fuden.
  • Verd, J. M., i Lozares, C. (2016). Introducción a la investigación cualitativa: Fases, métodos y técnicas. Síntesis.


Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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