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Engagement & One to One Communication

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Advertising and Public Relations


Engagement & One to One Communication


Compulsory (CO)

Academic year






GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G15, classroom instruction, afternoonsSpanishDaniel Batlle Garcia
Oreste Attardi Colina

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

SDG logo
  • 5. Gender equality



Vehicular languages

As this is a subject taught to local, national and international students, this subject is managed in a multilingual way: students can choose between 5 languages (to communicate with the teacher or develop their work): Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese (and Brazilian Portuguese), Italian and French.

General objective of the course

Given the current crisis in the effectiveness of conventional advertising (ATL), the consumer is not able to assimilate so much communication offer and, therefore, ATL communication actions are excessively expensive, too impersonal, they saturate the consumer and do not allow measuring the results in immediate responses (sales, traffic in POS, etc.). This is why a new form of segmented, personal, direct and interactive communication is incorporated.

The objective of this course is to know in depth the techniques of engagement and one to one communication by applying more advanced communication tools, based on segmented knowledge of the prospect and the client. And also using media that allow fluid, segmented and interactive one-to-one communication that generates an immediate response (identification of potential clients, direct sales, loyalty, recruitment, viralization, etc.).

These techniques, strategies and tools allow you to create and communicate, in a personalized way, offers of products and/or services that awaken interest, attract attention and provoke action with a measurable response.

This course will teach you "how and when" you can use the full potential of the engagement and one to one communication.

Specific objectives of the course

  1. Know and understand in depth the fundamentals of relational marketing and its contribution to engagement and one to one communication within a comprehensive communication plan.
  2. Know how to develop effective comprehensive relational communication campaigns and actions, using any tool one-to-one in an integrated manner.
  3. Understanding the comprehensive management of campaigns and projects engagement and one to one communication.

Learning outcomes

  • Identify the advertising and public relations theories, processes, structures and techniques that give rise to the functions of the different departments of an advertising agency, creative boutique, consultancy or media centre in conventional, virtual and emerging environments.
  • Understand the methods and problems of the different branches of research in psychology, sociology and communication in general, as well as the motivations of audiences, the analysis of consumer behavior and purchasing processes.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the history, theories, models and trends in advertising and public relations within the context of the evolution of communication (mass communication, new interactive and dialogic environments), aesthetics and textual, rhetorical and discursive analysis for the professional practice of the discipline.
  • Apply the concepts, theories, methods and techniques of marketing, advertising and public relations to formulate and implement specific strategies for products, brands and organizations.
  • Carry out the responsibilities of the communications area of a company or institution from within the company or from an external agency, through knowledge of the theory and practice of the processes and structures of public relations and communication. Including effective management and development taking into account the evaluation of the relations with the public of the organization internally and externally, with a proactive attitude and aptitude and cognition in the field of relations from a constructive and open-minded perspective.
  • Apply different conventional and non-conventional advertising communication techniques to convey the message with the highest level of effectiveness, built on the parameters of creativity and innovation in a context that respects linguistic diversity and diverse social, cultural, gender and economic realities.


  1. Fundamentals of engagement and one to one communication
    • The origin and importance of relational marketing, around the engagement and one to one communication
    • What is meant by relationship marketing?
    • Personalization in relational marketing
    • What does relational marketing include?
      • Customer relationship marketing (CRM)
      • One to one marketing
  2. Communication one to one as part of the engagement
    • Main communication tools one to one
      • Direct marketing
      • Direct marketing 2.0
      • Mobile marketing
      • Telemarketing
    • Management tools one to one
      • "Big data" and database marketing
  3. Strategy of engagement and one to one communication applied
    • The relational strategy in the engagement and one to one communication
    • Advantages, benefits and objectives of the relational strategy applied to engagement
    • Typology of relational strategy and engagement
      • Strategies of inbound marketing
      • Strategies one to one
      • Strategies front end
      • Strategies back end
  4. Engagement strategy and loyalty programs
    • What is meant by engagement?
    • Engagement and loyalty strategies
    • Typology of loyalty programs
      • External programs
      • Internal programs
      • Programs with intermediaries


Evaluation system

Across the line, across three levels:

  1. Investigation phase and monitoring of the analysis of the situation: from the briefing An advertiser must develop the entire phase of research, market analysis, analysis bench, SWOT, and conclusions, which must be submitted in a dossier called "Analysis of the situation." It represents 25% of the final grade.
  2. Campaign project of engagement and one to one communication of the subject: strategy, creation, management, development, control and presentation of an integrated campaign of engagement and one to one communication from a briefing about a real case, which must be delivered in a dossier called "Campaign of engagement and one to one communicationTO". It represents 50% of the final grade.
  3. Final test: test that allows to validate the theoretical knowledge of the subject. It is equivalent to 25% of the final grade.


This evaluation system may be subject to changes in format (not in the specific weight of grades) if unforeseen events occur outside of UVic (state of alarm, pandemics, etc.)

Final note

The final grade is determined from the average of these three levels. It can only be done play-off from the final test of the subject (in case of failure, after taking the test).


To achieve the objectives of the subject, an eminently pragmatic work methodology has been designed, which structures the subject by providing a solid base of theoretical knowledge and practical examples on a set of real cases or case studies that allows for the development of constant training throughout the process of establishing strategies, creating, managing and developing a marketing campaign. engagement and one to one communication in its full extent. This implies a high degree of practical experience for immediate application in working life.


Key references

  • Halligan, Brian., Shah, Dharmesh (2009). Inbound Marketing, Revised and Updated: Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers Online. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Martí, José., Muñoz, Pablo (2008). Engagement marketing: una nueva publicidad para un marketing de compromiso. Prentice-Hall.
  • Martínez,J.M. , Borja Solé, L de., Carvajal P. (1999). Fidelizando Clientes. EADA gestión.
  • Palmatier, Robert W., Kumar, V., Harmeling, Colleen M. (2018). Customer Engagement Marketing. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Peppers, Don. Rogers, Martha (1998). The One to One Future: Building Relationships One Customer at a Time. Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group.

Further reading

Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.

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