Text original
Aquesta assignatura s'imparteix en català. El text original d'aquest pla docent és en català.
Texto con traducción automática
Esta asignatura se imparte en catalán. El plan docente en español es una traducción automática del catalán.
La traducción automática puede contener errores y lagunas. ¡Consúltala solo con finalidades informativas!
Text created with automatic translation
The language of instruction of this subject is Catalan. The course guide in English is an automatic translation of the version in Catalan.
Automatic translation may contain errors and gaps. Refer to it as non-binding orientation only!
Business Administration and Management
Optional (OP)
Entrepreneurship is the fundamental mechanism of today's global economy, it is the driver of innovation that constructively impacts in the country's economic growth, in an enterprise's competitiveness and also in the community's quality of life. Creativity and entrepreneurial skills are the basis of this entrepreneurship course that provides practical development and learning for the students, by working on the fundamentals of becoming an entrepreneur and starting a business. The students will learn about the ideation process, in order to generate an innovative business idea, and the business plan as a useful tool to rethink the business, define the business model and assess the business idea.
Learning outcomes
- Understand the relevant impact of entrepreneurial activity on economic growth and job creation.
- Learn the essential attributes of an entrepreneur.
- Understand the Entrepreneurship Framework from GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor) to analyze the factors of entrepreneurial activity within a country or region.
- Know the TEA (Total Early-Stage Entrepreneurial Activity), the main indicator used to assess entrepreneurial activity.
- Recognize entrepreneurship typology, intrapreneurship characteristics and a company's internal creative culture, social entrepreneurship and female entrepreneurship.
- Acquire new concepts and techniques about ideation and creativity to explore new business ideas.
- Know the key elements to design the business model.
- Identify the fundamental of the business plan.
- Prepare the business plan.
- Learn the fundamentals to assess the business plan.
Module 1. Entrepreneurship. Concept. GEM framework and TEA. Typology.
Module 2. The entrepreneur. characteristics The fundamentals to become an entrepreneur.
Module 3. The entrepreneurial process. Creativity. Opportunity recognition. Improvement of existing products services or processes. Continuous training, questioning and thinking outside of prescribed formulas.
Module 4. The business model. Turning ideas into real business opportunities. The emotional and the rational on the canvas.
Module 5. The Business Plan. Assessing business ideas. Prototyping, budgeting
Module 7. Feasibility analysis.
The grade consists of:
- Continuous evaluation represents 10% of the final mark. It requires active class participation (80% minimum attendance)
- Â Assignments represent 10% of the final mark. The topic activities are indicated in the class schedule.
- Â The project (Business Plan): 80%. The project should be formally written including a presentation within the deadline period, which they will then post on the campus network.
- The subject has a practical orientation; a high level of attendance will be required by all students.
- The sessions include a different range of conceptual theories, themes and case studies
- Student will be expected to participate and contribute within the group and the framework of the course, a minimum attendance of 80% will be required by all students
- The professor will provide a combination of individual and group tutoring depending on the individual needs of each student.
- The timetable will outline the structure of the course, hours of classes, working times of subgroups, key deadlines.