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Marine Biology




Marine Biology


Optional (OP)




The objective of this subject is to provide an integrated vision of the physicochemical and biological processes that take place in the marine environment worldwide, and especially in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as those processes causing environmental impacts.

Learning outcomes

Expected Learning Results

  • LR1. The student obtains and integrates general and essential knowledge of marine biology, both basic and applied knowledge.
  • LR2. The student acquires an integrated and global vision of the processes that take place in the marine environment, both physicochemical and biological, as well as those that generate environmental impacts.
  • LR3. The student knows and is able to identify marine organisms and their biology, as well as their adaptations to the environment.
  • LR4. The student is able to search and analyze scientific information to prepare an oral communication of a topic related to the contents of the subject.


The content of the subject is organized around the following themes:

  1. Why is the Sea Blue?
  2. The Pelagic and Benthic environment
  3. The Deep-sea environment
  4. The Mediterranean Sea
  5. Human impacts on the Mediterranean Sea


The subject evaluation will consider both the theoretical and practical learning. The final score will be computed as a weighted average from the following items:

  • Partial exam 1: 25%; recoverable; individual score.
  • Partial exam 2: 25%; recoverable; individual score.
  • Written reports from practice sessions: 20%; non-recoverable; group score.
  • Student seminars: oral presentation + debate participation: 20%; non-recoverable; individual score.
  • Active participation in class: 10%; non-recoverable; individual score.

To compute the final score, each of the partial exams and the written reports from practice sessions should have a mark ≥ 5. To pass the subject, the final subject score (weighted average) should be ≥ 5.

Attendance to the field sessions, lab sessions and seminars is mandatory. The unexcused absence in any of these activities will be penalized in the final score of the subject (-1/-2 points) and, therefore, the subject could be failed.

To access the recovery exams in June, at least 50% of the subject should be passed. Only 50% of the subject content could be recovered.


  • Theory lessons in the classroom
  • Advanced seminars given by experts from external institutions
  • Visits to Marine Research institutions
  • Practice sessions in the field and in the classroom (scientific readings and discussion, flipped classrooms, student seminars, etc.)

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