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Video Workshop


Audiovisual Communication


Video Workshop


Optional (OP)





GroupLanguage of instructionTeachers
G21, classroom instruction, morningsEnglishJordi Cussó Amat


  • Del concepte a les pantalles: el procés de conceptualizació
  • Història i desenvolupament del videoclip: una indústria canviant
  • La metodologia i l'ADN de cada projecte.
  • La música com a eix central
  • Cerca de referents que defineixen l'estil personal
  • Combinació de teoria i pràctica per realitzar projectes propis
  • Treballar la creativitat i l'opinió crítica.
  • El pitch
  • El tractament com a eina fonamental

Learning outcomes

  • Apply knowledge to solve problems in complex or professional and specialized work environments that require the use of creative and innovative ideas.
  • Find solutions in complex situations.
  • Communicate to all types of audiences (specialized or not) clearly and precisely.
  • Design interventions that meet the needs of the field in a multidisciplinary way.
  • Use the audiovisual language and its different resources to express and present contents related to the specific knowledge of the field.
  • Analyse the specificities of the creative process and the making of a trailer, a television commercial or a video clip.
  • Direct and produce, creatively and collaboratively, a documentary production, a trailer, a television commercial or a video clip.
  • Know and use the techniques involved in the visual and sound montage process and editing of audiovisual projects.


General skills

  • Acquire skills in project design and management by making appropriate decisions and using problem solving strategies.
  • Demonstrate interpersonal skills and be able to adapt to new situations and work under pressure.
  • Organise and plan tasks related to professional performance through proper time management and timing of these tasks.
  • Show motivation for personal improvement, concern for quality and ethical commitment.

Specific skills

  • Create content and organise management and direction processes for the cinema, television, radio and interactive media.
  • Create content and organise management and direction processes for the cinema, television, radio and interactive media.
  • Develop narrative skills for different audiovisual and multimedia products and apply techniques for creating fiction, non-fiction and entertainment screenplays.
  • Express oneself fluently and communicatively, orally and in writing, in Catalan, Spanish and English, using the discourse of traditional media and new digital media.
  • Master audiovisual and multimedia technology and apply it to the different stages in the creative process and thus be able to adapt to different work environments.

Basic skills

  • Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competencies typically demonstrated through drafting and defending arguments and solving problems in their field of study.
  • Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.

Core skills

  • Display professional skills in complex multidisciplinary contexts, working in networked teams, whether face-to-face or online, through use of information and communication technology.
  • Use oral, written and audiovisual forms of communication, in one's own language and in foreign languages, with a high standard of use, form and content.


  1. Introduction to the workshop
  2. Music video: history
  3. A changing industry
  4. Creativity
  5. Research / references
  6. Selling your idea: from treatment to pitch
  7. Concepts: the conceptualisation process
  8. The making of a music video


  • Masterclass (production company): Blua
  • Masterclass (music industry): Dani Vega (Mishima's guitar player)


  • Class participation / Map of references: 10%
  • Analysis: 15%
  • Personal work - MUSIC VIDEO 01: 35%
  • Groupal exercise (4-5 each group) - MUSIC VIDEO 02: 40%


Sessions combine theoretical and practical thanks to exercises that are conceived to progressively understand the process of making a music video.

Depending on the moment, there will be different tutorials to follow the correct development of the projects.

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