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Internship I


Mechatronics Engineering


Internship I


External Academic Practicum (PAE)

Academic year





1st and 2nd


  • Anna Maria Dalmau Roda


The subject External Practices I has as objectives:

  • Know the organizational structure of a company or external entity.
  • Identify the specific tasks of a Mechatronics engineer.
  • Apply knowledge to professional practice.
  • Consolidate and relate technological concepts from various subjects.
  • Participate and reflect on the situations specific to a professional activity.

Learning outcomes

  1. Knows and applies working mechanisms and team communication.
  2. Know and apply technical resources to develop technical office projects.
  3. Consolidates and relates technological concepts from various subjects.
  4. Plans and manages the tasks assigned to the external entity.
  5. Know the applied principles of the organization of entities.
  6. Acts with commitment and responsibility in the usual situations and in those typical of the profession.
  7. Solves problems and situations specific to professional activity with entrepreneurial and innovative attitudes.
  8. He identifies his own training needs and organizes learning with a high degree of autonomy in all types of contexts (structured or not).


General skills

  • Be prepared to overcome adversity in professional activity and learn from mistakes in order to integrate knowledge and enhance one's preparation.
  • Combine scientific knowledge with technical skills and technological resources to deal with problems in professional practice.
  • Show a positive attitude to lifelong learning, innovation, creating value and acquiring knowledge.

Specific skills

  • Know about and apply the principles of analogue and digital electronics, and be able to use the resources of electronic instrumentation and the principles of digital electronics in microprocessors. Apply knowledge of power electronics to mechatronics engineering and design electronic analogue, digital and power systems in the field of mechatronics engineering.
  • Know about and how to apply the theoretical principles of production and manufacturing systems, and metrology and quality control in engineering, in order to create and interpret statistical data and analysis results. Apply environmental and sustainability technology in engineering.
  • Understand material structures, properties and processing systems, relating microstructure, and synthesis or processing and properties of materials. Plan and analyze tests and interpret results, and apply the principles of strength of materials and elasticity to the behavior of real solids. Understand the principles of strength of materials, failure theory and fatigue problems.
  • Understand the concept of enterprises, and their institutional, legal and economic framework, in order to organize, manage and plan business strategy and marketing, and apply this to the organizational structure and operation of an engineering project office.
  • Understand the principles of applied thermodynamics and heat transfer in order to solve engineering problems, and apply the basic principles of fluid mechanics to solve problems in the field of mechatronics engineering. Analyze and calculate piping, channels and fluid systems using thermal engineering applications.
  • Understand the principles of circuit theory and electrical machines, apply them in design and use electric drives and switchgear. Calculate and design electrical installations of low, medium and high voltage.
  • Understand the theory of machines and mechanisms, and be able to apply techniques of calculation, design and testing of machines. Understand and know how to design transmission systems, motors and receivers, machine drives and constructive forms in the field of mechatronics engineering.
  • Work in a multilingual, multidisciplinary environment, and give oral presentations and write reports in English in the field of science and engineering.

Basic skills

  • Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.
  • Students have developed the learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of independent learning.
  • Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues.

Core skills

  • Be a critical thinker before knowledge in all its dimensions. Show intellectual, cultural and scientific curiosity and a commitment to professional rigor and quality.
  • Interact in international and worldwide contexts to identify needs and and new contexts for knowledge transfer to current and emerging fields of professional development, with the ability to adapt to and independently manage professional and research processes.
  • Project the values of entrepreneurship and innovation in one's academic and professional career, through contact with a variety of practical contexts and motivation for professional development.


  • Organizational aspects of a company or external entity
  • Functions specific to a Mechatronics engineer and his professional environment
  • Methodologies for working with interdisciplinary teams of professionals
  • Technical resources to develop technical office projects
  • Processes developed in the company or external entity
  • Communication with professionals of the same or different discipline


In the annex to the agreement, the tutors associated with the student in this practice subject, both from the company or external entity and from the University, will be specified.

The tutor of the external entity is the person designated by the institution who will maintain constant contact with the student and accompany him throughout the internship period. The tutor from the external entity must fill in the evaluation form that will be provided by the UVic-UCC academic tutor who evaluates us:

  • General aspects of the student's activity
  • Achievement of the learning outcomes associated with the competencies
  • Development of the tasks that need to be done at the external entity
  • Overall assessment of the student's activity during the internship
  • Strong points to highlight and aspects to improve

The academic tutor of the UVic-UCC will ensure compliance with the internship program, monitor it and ask the company or external entity for an assessment of the internships done by the student. The academic tutor is responsible for correcting and evaluating the report.

The academic tutor of the UVic-UCC, will set the final grade taking into account the following items:

  • Evaluation of the external tutor: 60%
  • Practice report: 20%
  • Assessment of the academic tutor: 20%

They are grounds for "suspension" of curricular practices:

  • Non-compliance with the hours corresponding to the internship at the company or external entity
  • Failure to submit the internship report within the established terms and requirements
  • Failure to fulfill the tasks assigned to the student (as part of the internship) at the company or external entity
  • Lack of discipline, breach of the code of ethics or violation of confidentiality


In the year you want to do an internship, you must register for the internship together with the other subjects of the course on the July registration date.

1. Notify that you want to do an internship

At the beginning of the year in which a student wants to do an internship, it is necessary to notify by filling in the forms "Notification of intention to do an internship during the course", which is in the center classroom, practice section.

Once the internship coordination knows which students want to do an internship that year, mandatory orientation and training sessions will be planned to help the student prepare their curriculum vitae, cover letters and how to conduct an interview.

Internship coordination and the Careers Service accompany students in their search for an internship.

2. Request for an internship agreement

When the student has already contacted an external company or entity and been accepted, they must fill out the form "Application for internship agreement", which is in the center classroom, in the practice section.

Once the form is filled out online a copy of the DNI and CV must be sent by email to .

3. Signature of the annex to the agreement

Once the agreement request form is filled in, the Careers Service prepares the annex to the agreement for the student in question. The agreement between the company or external entity and the UVic-UCC must already be signed (if not, it will be signed).

This annex to the agreement is sent to the company or external entity, the student and the UVic-UCC tutor for them to sign. In this way, all parties involved have all the information associated with this internship (the UVic-UCC tutor, the company tutor, the internship period...).

4. Realization of practices

  • It is essential that the agreement and the annex have been signed before starting the internship, in order to have valid insurance coverage (compulsory school insurance, accident insurance and civil liability insurance).
  • When starting the internship, the student must contact the UVic-UCC tutor to establish how the follow-up will be done, to find out how it will be evaluated and how the report should be.
  • You cannot be at the external entity from the final date stated in the annex to the agreement.

5. Delivery of the memory

Once the internship period has ended, you must hand in an internship report to the corresponding space in the classroom of the internship subject within a maximum period of 10 days after completing the internship. In internships that end at the end of January, at the beginning of June or at the end of August, the report must be prepared during the internship period and must be submitted by January 30 at the latest , June 5 or September 5. That way they can evaluate before the closing of the proceedings.

Traducción automatica pendiente.

6. Evaluation

Traducción automatica pendiente.


  • Traducción automatica pendiente.
  • Traducción automatica pendiente.
  • Traducción automatica pendiente.
  • Traducción automatica pendiente.

Extracurricular practices (PEC)

Traducción automatica pendiente.

Traducción automatica pendiente.

Traducción automatica pendiente.

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