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Marketing and Business Communication
Leadership and Management Skills
Compulsory (CO)
Academic year
Group | Language of instruction | Teachers |
G15, classroom instruction, afternoons | Spanish | Francesc Baque Puig |
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

- 4. Quality education
- 5. Gender equality
- 8. Decend work and economic growth
- 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
Whatever the area of management (administration and finance, marketing, sales, commercial, communication or any technical or productive position within the company), leadership requires paying special attention to aspects such as the vision and mission of the organization, business strategy, management of work teams, communication, motivation of people and many other management skills.
- Learn the tools needed to manage high-performance teams and the keys to success to foster good leadership.
- Learn how to maximize student potential through effective communication, emotional management of yourself and your team, building trust, and achieving goals through an action plan.
- Train the management skills and abilities necessary to accompany, manage and motivate teams.
- Practice a leadership style appropriate to each situation and each professional profile.
Learning outcomes
- RA1. Acquires advanced knowledge and demonstrates an understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects and working methodology in his/her field of study.
- Indicator 1. Knows the theoretical framework, principles and tools of leadership and management skills.
- RA2. Applies techniques, principles and tools to exercise leadership and management skills.
- Indicator 2. Participates in team dynamics and shows commitment.
- Indicator 3. Collaborate with the team and apply interpersonal relationships.
- Indicator 4. Engages with the team with an open, flexible and negotiating attitude.
- RA3. Knows how to develop the ability to lead and work in a team, knows how to integrate and collaborate actively in achieving common goals.
- Indicator 5. Promotes team spirit by incorporating values of cooperation, effort, commitment and respect.
- Indicator 6. Improves team functioning by facilitating continuous learning.
- RA4. Performs well in complex situations or those that require the development of new solutions in the professional field within his/her field of study.
- Indicator 7. Applies teamwork development methodologies in complex projects using methods previously worked on in class.
- RA5. Applies knowledge and problem-solving skills in complex work environments that require the use of creative and innovative ideas.
- Indicator 8. Relates theoretical aspects to their application in real business environments.
- RA6. Has the ability to collect and interpret data and information on which to base his/her conclusions, which include reflections on social, scientific or ethical issues within his/her field of study.
- Indicator 9. Knows how to efficiently search for and select the information required in his/her field of study.
- Indicator 10. Demonstrates knowledge and respect for fundamental rights, democratic values, equality between women and men, respect for the environment and sensitivity to practices of care for particularly disadvantaged groups.
- RA7. Communicates clearly and precisely knowledge, methodologies, ideas, problems and solutions in the scope of his/her field of study.
- Indicator 11. Identifies and uses the terminology of his/her field of study and achieves effective communication with his/her audience.
- RA8. Is able to identify his/her own training needs in his/her field of study.
- Indicator 12. Knows how to organize his/her own learning with a high degree of autonomy.
- RA9. Analyze and reason critically.
- Indicator 13. Knows how to assertively and structuredly discuss own and others' ideas.
- Indicator 14. Demonstrates creative thinking and the ability to evaluate his/her own learning process.
- RA10. Knows how to set goals and objectives and plan the required activities.
- Indicator 15. The person is able to set specific objectives and determine the time frame for their execution. He/she knows how to identify the necessary resources. He/she is able to adequately plan the phases to achieve the objectives.
General skills
- Be able to analyze and summarize.
- Be able to communicate orally and in the languages of the community.
- Be able to engage in criticism and self-criticism.
- Be able to make reasoned and coherent presentations.
- Be able to organize and plan.
- Be able to put basic knowledge of the profession into practice.
- Be able to use information: seek, analyze, select, organize and exploit information effectively.
- Be able to work in a team and a multidisciplinary network.
- Be environmentally and socially aware at work.
- Be skilled at adapting to new situations.
- Have an ethical commitment at work, with respect for democratic principles and values.
Specific skills
- Be able to critically evaluate business situations, and manage an organization effectively and efficiently.
- Be able to lead and manage processes of change in organizations, in particular in contexts of innovation and crisis.
- Be able to plan sales activities focused on customers, and lead and manage sales teams.
- Display leadership skills in strategic decision-making in general, and in marketing and communication, in particular.
Basic skills
- Students can apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have competencies typically demonstrated through drafting and defending arguments and solving problems in their field of study.
- Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialists and non-specialists.
- Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues.
Core skills
- Be a critical thinker before knowledge in all its dimensions. Show intellectual, cultural and scientific curiosity and a commitment to professional rigor and quality.
- Become the protagonist of one's own learning process in order to achieve personal and professional growth and acquire all-round training for living and learning in a context of respect for linguistic, social, cultural, gender and economic diversity.
- Display professional skills in complex multidisciplinary contexts, working in networked teams, whether face-to-face or online, through use of information and communication technology.
- Exercise active citizenship and individual responsibility with a commitment to the values of democracy, sustainability and universal design, through practice based on learning, service and social inclusion.
The course program begins by giving an overview of the concept of leadership in the business environment. The origin and evolution of the different leadership models up to the present day are explained. From there, the different management skills that are necessary for good leadership of the people in a work team are presented.
- Concept and strategic function of leadership
- Change management
- Driving high-performance teams
- Communication and influence
- Conflict management and negotiation
- Decision making
Students are assessed through continuous evaluation. A problem-based learning methodology (PBL) is used, based on practical cases that simulate real situations in the business world. From the beginning of the course, students are grouped into work teams.
In parallel, theoretical sessions are held in which concepts related to the subject's syllabus are presented, so that students can apply these concepts in the development of the practical case.
The following elements are taken into account for the evaluation:
- There are two exams, each worth 25%. It is compulsory to take and pass both exams in order to obtain the average. During the recovery period, both exams can be retaken if necessary.
- Class work and continuous assessment activities, participation and attendance are worth 40%. Attendance is required for at least 80% of classes. It is very important to attend all classes because a methodology based on practical cases is used to be developed in class and in teams. No work submitted after the deadline specified in the course work plan will be accepted.
- Reading, presentation and summary of the book, chosen according to a list provided by the teacher, which is worth 10%.
Note: It is essential to individually pass each of the evaluation sections.
Nothing that is experienced is forgotten. Therefore, the methodology used in classes is active and participatory. From cases designed especially for this course, the different aspects that affect the business world are developed. People who attend class receive information and make decisions to configure or resolve the issues raised in the program. Not only is action-reaction considered, but we also try to bring or go to see practical examples that broaden the vision of what is worked on in class.
The course is divided into theoretical sessions in the classroom, given by the professor, and practical sessions of individual and team work. The theoretical part is focused on the documentation, articles and books provided by the professor. It is presented in class and debate between students is encouraged. The practical part is basically focused on work on practical cases, viewing videos, group dynamics, etc., which are worked on individually and in teams.
- Theory classes: given the particular characteristics of the subject, they are organised in a workshop format with small groups of students in order to ensure proper follow-up. The teacher presents the subject, illustrates it with real cases, indicates sources of reference and proposes activities that the students must carry out.
- Problem-solving classes: the teacher schedules specific sessions to resolve doubts about the practical cases presented. In these sessions, students participate actively, present their solutions and debate with the teacher in an organized manner.
- Practices: students are divided into groups to carry out the course's activities programme. The teacher carries out specific monitoring.
- Independent work: study of the conceptual framework, preparation of activities and search for bibliographical references.
- Group work: students carry out group work on which the methodology of the subject is based.
- Tutoring: Students who request it can contact the professor to arrange the date and place of the tutoring.
Further reading
Teachers will provide complementary bibliography and compulsory reading throughout the course via the Virtual Campus.